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Andreas Mehler comments on Germany's new Africa Policy Guidelines

Deutsche Welle reports on the new guideline for Africa policy adopted by the SPD/ Greens shortly before the Bundestag elections. The government must also rely on its successors when it comes to implementation. The German government's new strategy emphasises respect and partnership and wants to rethink old structures to achieve this. “Political scientist Mehler considers the new guideline to be quite binding. There is a relatively high level of consensus between the parties on Africa policy.”

Dealing with autocratic partners: Political scientist Mehler sees this as a “boost to realism”, SPD politician Schmid wants to “take a two-legged approach” in practice: on the one hand, “stay in conversation with those who are in charge” - after all, challenges such as climate change can only be tackled globally. At the same time, however, “strengthen those who advocate political diversity and open debate about the best solution.”

The entire article is available on the DW website (in German).
