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AmaXhosa Maradona: Ubuntu and Complicity in Making and Breaking of a South African Footballer

Anhand der Geschichte von amaXhosa Maradona reflektiert Tarminder Kaur (Universität Johannesburg, Südafrika) in ihrem Papier darüber, wie Ideale von Gemeinschaft, Entwicklung und Ubuntu am Entstehen und Zerbrechen von Träumen (in diesem Fall dem Traum, Profifußballer zu werden) beteiligt sind.
Wann 19.05.2022
von 12:30 bis 14:30
Wo ABI, Großer Konferenzraum
Termin übernehmen vCal

Foto: Jannik Skorna, Unsplash

In the language isiXhosa, amaXhosa means ‘people of Xhosa ethnicity’. When I asked Emmanuel, why amaXhosa (the plural), and not uXhosa (the singular), as we were referring to just one Maradona of Xhosa ethnicity, he explained: “No, Thami, he is Maradona of and from the Xhosa people: amaXhosa Maradona!”

Emmanuel’s claims to Maradona’s belonging to a collective is somewhat akin to translating the philosophy of African humanism, ubuntu, in soccer terms: a soccer player is a soccer player through his soccer team. The backdrop to this conversation was Maradona’s death. Attending to the events precipitating Maradona being stabbed by a teammate, the meanings and conversations attached his untimely passing, and the social and economic history that shapes and haunts young men, Tarminder Kaur interrogates what soccer does in the context. Through the story of amaXhosa Maradona, she reflects on how ideals of community, development, and ubuntu are complicit in making and breaking of dreams (in this case, dreams of becoming a professional footballer). 


Referentin: Tarminder Kaur (Universität Johannesburg, Südafrika)


Sprache: Englisch

Ort: Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, Windausstr. 16, 79110 Freiburg i. Br. - Großer Konferenzraum